Managing diabetes is hard! You are constantly reminded to reduce your sugar intake, monitor your carbs, and prioritize complex carbohydrates over sugary, processed...
À La Carte Direct Primary Care
À La Carte Direct Primary Care: A New Health Care Model that Creates Happy and HealthyPatients. Latitude Clinic sits down with SWF Health and Wellness Magazine to...
With The Spike Protein in play, Mast Cell Activation may be more common than previously thought.
Author: Sonya Merritt APRN Some estimates suggest that up to 20% of the population, or more, may be suffering from symptoms since the pandemic of Covid-19 has become...
Learn to live with long covid? NOT THE RIGHT ANSWER!!!
Author: Vanessa Hamalian APRN As many as 80 out of every 100 people infected with Covid-19 may suffer with lingering symptoms. When these symptoms persist beyond the...
Obesity is a disease, not a shortcoming.
Author: Vanessa Hamalian APRN There are hundreds if not thousands of different dieting options available. Clearly, some plans work for some people and not for others....
STOP CRAVINGS; become a social drinker again.
Updated: May 8, 2021 Author: Vanessa Hamalian APRN Yes, it is possible to be cured of alcohol use disorder WITHOUT the guilt and the punishment. Abstinence is not the...